Swish Instant
Mobile Payments

Real-time payments. As soon as someone "swishes" you, you get the money into your bank account immediately.

My most important task was creating presentation material with visualized user journeys, explained flows and fictive interfaces for new initiatives being pitched to banks and stakeholders.

I also produced promotional marketing material for various channels, set presentation guidelines and created templates, explored a visual expression for digital marketing, explored product development ideas, worked on usability improvements on the web page, set up visual guidelines on how to (and how not to) use the brand in collaboration with another agency to evolve the brand guidelines and ensure that they were being followed.

Client: Getswish AB
Agency: Lvls Group
Link: swish.nu
When: 2019
Role: Art Director
What: Web Design
Swish consumer experience design
Swish calculator design
Swish personal QR code design
Swish consumer experience flow design
Swish brand guidelines for gamling and betting businesses design
Swish merchant flows design
Swish visualization of payment flows